brunette woman in pink shirt

Office: 728 Wells Hall


Ph.D., Georgetown University, 2013 (Religious Studies)

M.A., McMaster University, 2008 (Religious Studies)

M.St., Oxford University, 2006 (Jewish Studies)

B.A., Oxford University, 2005


Jewish education

American Judaism

Religion and Non-Profits


Laura Yares’ research and teaching focuses on Jews and Judaism in modernity, with particular interests in Jewish education. Her current research includes a book project exploring the growth of Jewish Sunday Schools and the development of the category of religion in 19th century American Judaism. Recently published articles related to this project include an analysis of the material culture of flowers in 19th century Jewish confirmation ceremonies published in Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies; and an article on the integration of developmental psychology into 19th century Reform Jewish pedagogy published in the Journal of Jewish Education..

With Sharon Avni (CUNY), she is also currently at work on a contemporary ethnographic project exploring Jewish learning in cultural arts settings, supported by the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Studies in Jewish Education at Brandeis University. More information on this research can be found on the project webpage:

She currently serves on the Book Review committee of the Journal of Jewish Education, and on the Executive Committee of the Network for Research in Jewish Education.


  • REL 101 Exploring Religions
  • REL 310: Judaism
  • REL 411 Modern Jewish Thought